Tuesday, August 04, 2009

How will you see today?

This morning I felt a need for refreshment and I picked up John O'Donohue's Anam Cara, a beautiful, spacious, and deeply kind book of Celtic spirituality. In the chapter where he writes about the senses as being the thresholds of soul, he says

    Vision is central to your presence and creativity.

He describes--in a tenderly gentle way--the different kinds of eyes we may use to engage (or not engage) the world:

  • The fearful eye, which sees all as threatening;
  • The greedy eye, which sees everything as something to be possessed;
  • The judgmental eye, which separates and compares;
  • The resentful eye, which begrudges others what they have;
  • The indifferent eye, which holds control and distance;
  • The inferior eye, which sees everyone else as greater;
  • The loving eye, to which everything is real.

May we know today that our seeing is a sacred, creative act and that as we look upon the world with love we are blessing it, and it, us. :)

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