Sunday, September 07, 2008

Growing in tune with the seasons

Today I'm in a preparing-for-fall mood, feeling the coolness of the air, noticing the slight changing of the colors of the trees. Internally, there's a sense of nesting, which I particularly love. Each year September is an important month for me, a time of new beginnings and a celebration of all the inner growth from the previous year. I was thinking about arriving in September again, along with this idea of living in tune with the seasons, and I noticed that, for me, each month has a kind of correlation to the inner spiritual growth and learning that's happening for me through the year. I guess I am in tune with the seasons, more than I knew! Here's a kind of playful calendar for inner work that connects to the seasons of nature (at least in the part of the world where I live):

    September: Decide where in your inner and outer life you want to learn and grow next.
    October: Harvest the learning and growth you’ve done over the summer.
    November: Share your bounty with others and say thanks.
    December: Celebrate hope, vision, love, healing, new light, growing consciousness.
    January: Start fresh in a relationship, a project, or your understanding of yourself and relation to God.
    February: Practice unconditional love toward all beings—whether they are hibernating or not. :)
    March: Love the winds of change and open to all possibilities. Life is bringing you good things.
    April: Let the seeds of hope, vision, growth, and consciousness be planted (and don’t be afraid to shed a few tears; they enrich the soil).
    May: Witness, participate in, and celebrate the euphoric, exploding abundance of your early growth!
    June: Tend your growing lovingly, feeding and watering (and appreciating) as needed.
    July: Intentionally weed out the thoughts, opinions, and actions that can hold back or delay your growing.
    August: Notice how far you’ve come! The season is almost complete. Continue to nourish your growth by caring for it with water, food, shade, and love. Begin thinking of ways to celebrate it at harvest.

How is your life in tune with the seasons? I'd love to hear, if you want to post a comment and share your thoughts.

Namaste, friends. :)

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