A New Way to Worship
In the midst of my crazy coming-and-goings, life at the hospital and at home, baseball practice, school work, dogs, and more, I've stumbled across a new way to worship. It occurred to me in my early-morning quiet time this weekend how rarely I say five little words: It's good to be here.
I began looking around, at the ducks, at the dogs, at the white crab apple flower petals on the kitchen floor that blew in through back door, and I thought It's good to be here.
It is good to be here, on this day, in this life, with these many blessings and problems and people and possibilities. That worshipful phrase reminds me that when I'm fixing my mind on the destination--getting Cameron to baseball practice, finishing the next chapter, running to the store--I'm missing the moment I'm living. And you know what? It's good to be here.