Thursday, August 28, 2003

Simplicity Rules

Today I had the good fortune to sit and listen to an experienced chaplain and teacher talk about families and the systems they are born into, create, and perpetuate. He began the meeting with a simple prayer that touched me and I wanted to share and remember it:

    To everything that has been, we say "Thank You."

    To everything that will be, we say "Yes."

May your day tomorrow be filled with the sunlight of acceptance and the gentle breezes of grace. :) k

A Waking Thought

I woke up this morning praying this little poem! Perhaps I was more awake than I thought, or maybe my spirit was having conversations with God through the night and my conscious mind just overheard a bit of the end of it. :) Whatever it was, here's the poem I "heard":

    Many things to think about
    But only one thing to be:
    A part of true Divinity.

    Many things to organize
    But only one thing to do:
    Be fully present, now, with You."

Monday, August 25, 2003

Tell Me What You Love

    Tell me what you love,
    Because then I'll see God alive in your eyes
    And your smile will spread
    To enfold me with with the gentle arms of His tender light.

    Tell me what you love,
    Because that's where we can truly meet
    Not as storytellers of worries and woe
    But as children who know our God is with us, faithful, real.

    Tell me what you love,
    Because that's the path God walks with us
    Alive in love, growing in each season, blossoming for harvest
    Every good thing, a million different forms of love--all His, all ours, all Him.

Blessings on your day, everyone! :) k